Category Archives: Information

Welcome New Sponsor: De Roos Heemstede

I have the pleasure of welcoming another new sponsor, De Roos in Heemstede.  A new sponsor means easier access to new and interesting pens which I can then review, but there’s more!  Click the De Roos banner on the right side of this page and you’ll be taken to a special part of their website where you’re given a discount code of 15% that applies to the entire assortment, excepting Montblanc.  Enjoy browsing!

Serious Nibbage Part 51: Caran d’Ache Léman Caviar @AppelboomLaren

Thank you to Appelboom for lending us this pen for review! Get a 10% discount on your purchases, excluding Montblanc, by clicking the Appelboom banner on our websites! No commission, just a referral. Follow Appelboom on Instagram for weekly Friday fountain pen giveaways!


Thank You For 30,000 Subscribers (Best-Of)

Hey there!  On January 30th, 2011, I uploaded my first fountain-pen related video on YouTube.  Now, over five years later, I have passed 30,000 subscribers on YouTube.  I never saw that coming when I uploaded that first video, but it happened.  My videos have brought me many wonderful things: I have met so many fantastic people over the course of the years, at pen shows, in pen stores, and recently even in the super market.  I even met my wonderful wife through our shared peculiar hobby, so I have nothing but gratitude.

Without you, all of you, any of you, no matter who you are or where you are, my videos would not exist; it would be pointless to continue to make videos without having an appreciative audience.  So thank you, from the very bottom of my heart.

I am fairly prone to feelings of nostalgia, so I thought that this would be a good time to look back on over 1,000 videos – so here we go: this is my selection of favourite moments from my videos.  Please feel free to share your favourite moment in the comment section below!

On to 30,000 more!