This pen was kindly lent to me by Joost Appelboom. Don’t forget to click the Appelboom banner on the right to obtain a 10% discount on your order (excluding Montblanc).
Category Archives: Fountain Pen Shootout
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Fountain Pen Shootout Classic Pens LM1 vs. Classic Pens LB5
Le’s compare two gorgeous red pens side by side.
Fountain Pen Shootout: Namiki Emperor vs. Danitrio Genkai
Fountain Pen Shootout Danitrio Mikado vs. Delta Roma Imperiale
Fountain Pen Shootout: Rollerballs That Use Fountain Pen Ink
A very kind thank you to to Brian Goulet and Inventery for supplying most of these products! I thought it would be interesting to do a quick overview of some of the rollerballs that you can purchase that actually use fountain pen ink, because sometimes a fountain pen just won’t work you just have to use a rollerball.
Fountain Pen Shootout Namiki Emperor vs. Namiki Yukari Royale
Fountain Pen Shootout: Namiki Emperor vs. CONID Kingsize
Fountain Pen Shootout OMAS Grand Paragon Arco Bronze vs Wild Celluloid
Fountain Pen Shootout: Delta Roma Imperiale vs. Delta Roma Imperiale
Fountain Pen Shootout Yard-O-Led Viceroy Pocket vs. Standard vs. Grand Victorian Fountain Pen
A very kind thank you to Yard-O-Led for providing the Standard and Pocket Viceroys for review purposes.